When we are first students in the Craft, we learn about the multi-layered symbolism held within the Pentagram. But one thing we often forget is how to place ourselves within that pentagram to learn from that symbol as a tool for our own self-assessment and personal balance. Let me share how I teach my beginning students to do just that in order to assist their own best learning process and how to assess the problem areas of their life for better solutions.
First, let's look at the beginning layer of correspondences for the various points on the pentagram We already know that each aspect of Self and therefore, each direction, as a "light" side (positives) and a "dark" side (challenges). So, for each direction or point on the pentagram, they too will have both light and dark halves to understanding them. Here are examples. These are, by no means, the be-all and end-all of "total" information. They are simply places to begin. You will add to these tables of understanding as you go along in your learning process.
Positive East is: Color- Yellow,
Time of Day - Dawn,
Time in Processes - Beginnings,
Part of Self - Thoughts and Thought Patterns,
Time in Life - Birth through Childhood (Pre-adolescence).
Negative East is: Tendencies for repeating negative thought patterns, hanging on to childish behavior patterns, getting stuck in childhood trauma even as adults, injuries in the birthing process, being a great "starter" but not finishing well or at all.
Positive South is: Color - Red,
Time of Day - High Noon,
Time in Processes - Active movement forward,
Part of Self - Acts of Will, Time in Life - Adolescence (teen hormones).
Negative South is: Willfulness rather than acts of Will, temper tantrums caused by hormonal imbalances or lack of control over our Will, getting stuck in assumptions of ego rather than a clear sense of self-examination.
Positive West is: Color - Blue,
Time of Day - Twilight,
Time in Processes - The waiting period just prior to full manifestation,
Part of Self - Emotions,
Time of Life - Adulthood (Pre-Menopause or Andropause).
Negative West is: Over-emotionalism, Getting "carried away" by wounds, scars and outdated patterns of thought and behavior, becoming "unfeeling" instead of compassionate, going numb as a reaction to strong emotional content in others, blame instead of personal responsibility.
Positive North is: Color-Green or White,
Time of Day - Midnight,
Time in Processes - Manifestation,
Part of Self - Getting things done, finishing,
Time of Life - Old Age (Sage-dom or Croning -- *not* completely hormonally related!).
Negative North is: Never finishing projects, emotions or thought processes, "buying into" ageism or feeling old before your time, lack of value to the wisdom of those older or more experienced than ourselves, refusing to complete patterns for fear of them or "credit" for them being taken away from us.
Positive Spirit is: Color - Purple, Indigo or Iridescent,
Time of Day - "between" spaces, Dream Time,
Part of Self - the Spiritual self, the ongoing soul,
Time in Life - that which exists outside of time, space and the Wheel of Life,
Time in Processes - The fullness of Knowing a project is complete and correct.
Negative Spirit is: Lack of realization or connection to the Higher Self & Deity as we know It/Them, Disbelief in the existence of the Soul, lack of recognition of the importance of the spiritual realm, an overwhelming sense of emptiness within our lives and accomplishments, a sense of "disconnection" from the Universal Plan/Source.
Positive Center is: Color - Black or White (depends on system of learning),
Time of Day - ALL times!,
Part of Self - the ALL in a balanced state,
Time in Life - ALL times awareness and balance are achieved,
Time in Processes - this point exists and needs balancing at all times in life, self or process.
Negative Center is: Feeling weak or unbalanced all the time, over-abundance or lack in one or more other points on the pentagram or in the Self, distrust of Self & Deity, a tendency to "blame" others or God/Goddess or scars or situations or any number of other things for imbalances rather than looking for the answers within the Self first and always.
Balance is both an active and resting state. It is achieved by continual inventory and re-balancing in areas of need and active "pruning" in those areas in which we have over abundance. Therefore, when we have certain patterns we are trying to break, we can realize yet another tool within the pentagram. Each directional point as TWO points of counter-balance. East has West and North to balance it. South has North and Spirit to balance it. West has Spirit and East to balance it. North has East and South to balance it and Spirit has West and South to balance it. So, whenever you're feeling either a lack or over abundance in any given area that is impacting your overall balance, seeking to add or subtract amounts therein by using the two counter balancing points is usually a good place to start looking for a solution.
If you are constantly hindered by negative thought patterns (Negative East), then figure out what emotional attachments are at work there (West) and actively WORK to manifest change through meditation, gaining more teaching, learning new patterns or simply going for a walk to get out of your head for awhile! If you're overly emotional about one or more topics (West), then think about them in detail and without emotional attachments to find the roots of this pattern so you can then ask Deity and Higher Self to help you rise above the emotions or delve more deeply into them -- whichever is required -- to help balance become the overall result. If you find you are never finishing projects or patterns in life, but leave a trail of unfinished issues behind you (Negative North), then think carefully about this process and what it has served for you in the past (East) and then add some good, old-fashioned willpower to clean up your messes as much as possible and move on (South)! And so on around the pentagram, depending on the issue being dealt with, as you go.
Always remember, we are active creatures. If we're too stayed in any one way, we're not balanced. If we're over the top in one area or another, we're not balanced. So, try this set of exercises the next time you feel unbalanced and see if you can learn something valuable about yourself as you walk yourself through the correspondences of the pentagram!
Blessed Be!