Thursday, April 25, 2013

Magick is about Change!

It is believed in the Wiccan world that we create our own reality.  Yet, for many, the concept of doing that - HOW we go about creating our better reality through correct thought followed up by correct action to manifest reality different than it might have been without our influence - often eludes people.  In doing a great deal of research on concepts of Quantum Physics and how those concepts are applied to the practice of Magick, I have found some key points that have become life changing for me on this note.  I hope, in sharing them, they will likewise help you!

I have made a weekly meditation of watching the movie "What the Bleep?! - Down the Rabbit Hole."  In this movie, it is clearly illustrated how the realities created by thought patterns influence our lives.  There is a segment in this movie regarding the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese gentleman who has done an amazing study on the influence of thought energy on water molecules.  In his study, he takes a small amount of water as it comes, without anything added to it.  Then takes the same water and has a thought projected into it and retakes the photographs of the frozen molecules.  The absolute beauty of thoughts like Love, Joy and Peace are irrefutable.  Likewise, the ugliness of thoughts like Hatred, Killing and other negative thought patterns defuse the molecules into unorganized globules that, by far, hold less beauty and even less cohesion than positive thoughts.  If you haven't seen Dr. Emoto's work before, here is the link to his website where you can do your own research.

Now, here is the key that brought this set of lessons truly home for me. 

Our bodies down to the cellular level are over 80% water.  So, if the thoughts we concentrate on most every day are illness, pain, guilt, hatred, hardship, blockages and other negative aspects of our lives, what are we doing to ourselves??  How can we remain positive and cohesively moving forward in our lives while we allow ourselves the addiction to these negative emotions?!  Frankly, we can't.   Brain chemistry is just as addictive as any other form of chemical addiction.  So, in keeping to these thought patterns, we consign ourselves to misery.  Yet, for many, these thought pattern addictions are just as hard to fight off as an addiction to cigarettes, alcohol or drugs - sometimes harder, because we are, at first, unaware of them as addictions.  However, just because a task is difficult, doesn't mean its impossible.  You DO have the power to change it!  You simply have to be brave enough to try and keep trying, over and over and over again.

If you find that you are too stuck in the ruts of your own thought patterns, examine what it is those thought patterns are doing for you. What other responses in your life are they justifying? Does your pain justify you being angry with the world? Does your anger with the world, your body or others keep you feeling somehow "right" in carrying forward that negativity to the point of self-detriment? What is that guilt feeding? What is that blame feeding? Why is it necessary to continue with these negative thoughts? Do you find you feel safer there somehow? 

After some long self-study, I realized I had many negative thought patterns that I had allowed myself to wallow in daily, sometimes hourly, that desperately needed to be broken.  So, after doing my movie-meditation one day, I decided to give myself a test.  For 30 days, I made a habit of getting into my bathtub and soaking on a nightly basis before bed, while meditating and chanting to myself "I Love Myself!  I Love My Life, My Home and My Path!  I Love Myself!  I am filled with Joy and I am at Peace!!!"  During this meditation/chant, I envisioned my bathwater being infused with these feelings down to the molecular level and my own cells, organs and body aligning with those same feelings, thus immersing myself in this loving, positive cocoon of Love, Joy and Peace.  Likewise, for that same 30 days, I made a habit of taking a 64 oz. glass of water and infusing it with these same thoughts, envisioning the water glowing a vital, life-giving blue green color.  If I had time outside of work to accomplish it, I did the water charging and drinking more than once a day. 

I can vouch for the fact that by the time that 30 days of these combined exercises in infusing myself, inside and outside, with these positive thoughts, I DID begin to feel a positive change!  I, who has suffered with depression, generalized anxiety disorder, chronic pain issues and more which I had allowed to keep me in a cycle of suffering began to see the world differently!  I began to wake up smiling.  Even on days I was in serious pain, I still smiled!  I felt happy, productive and able to cope far better.  I haven't had an anxiety attack in 3 months now and on days when I still feel depressed, I realize I have control!  I CAN change my reality!

You can do it too!  YOU ARE THE MAGICK!!!!  If you find that your path isn't going as you wish it to go, change it for the better!  It takes work and focus, but that doesn't mean you aren't able to do it and it doesn't mean you're not worth it!  You ARE worth making an effort for the better in your every day life!  You ARE Worthy!!!  I BELIEVE IN YOU!!! You CAN do this! You CAN have a better reality every single day of your life than you've had up to this point!

Try my little experiment and see if it doesn't help you!

Bright Blessings for your ever-present Success!!