I have been active
Wiccan Clergy for more than 25 years now. I have watched as the role
of Wicca in society has experienced its metamorphosis from the
hidden, secretive Coven style practices of the post-Burning Times
into the beautiful, government-recognized and supported mainstream
Church-based faith it is today. I have also watched the role of
Clergy develop and some fairly logical things that are missing from
the equation absolutely amaze me. We never stop to think about what
we can do for our Clergy rather than what they can do for us and we
still can't seem to learn from other mainstream faiths what it is to
support our Clergy appropriately to their role in our lives.
Let's look at
what Clergy does for us. They are on call to their community,
congregations, students and Initiates and their families 24/7. They
are educators of the public – even when the public is hostile.
They are advocates and network with other organizations in the
community. They are counselors on mental, physical, emotional and
spiritual fronts. They provide education in the Craft and often in
day to day functions of living that many simply do not learn in their
own lives. They go to bat for us legally when our rights are
threatened or infringed upon at work, at school, in hospitals, court
or general society. They are our leaders, protectors and even our
healers when we are sick in mind, body or spirit or all three. They
are there from birth through every facet and change of our lives
clear to the grave and beyond to assist us in whatever way they may
be of service. Generally speaking, they do this more than full time
– especially if they have a congregation of 10 or more people to
serve. They do this whether they themselves are stressed in any way,
ill or dealing with their own personal lives and they do it without
complaint. They even do all these things, many times, at the
sacrifice of their personal time with their spouse or children, their
own personal magickal practice, as well as their basic sleep and
living patterns.
However, they are
also have needs to be met of an everyday nature. They need food, gas
for their vehicles to get from place to place to handle life and our
needs as their congregants and community members, supplies to support
their lives and their Craft – as well as those of the Church. They
have rent or mortgages, electrical bills, phone bills (which we often
run up for them in counseling sessions) and everything we ourselves
struggle with every single day. They even occasionally have their
own “emergencies” like car repairs, home repairs and hospital
bills to pay! Opps, that's right – their human!
Magick is a wonderful thing, but the idea that they can twinkle their noses and ritual supplies appear or that there is some secret squirrely way they simply pull financial backing out of their backsides is ludicrous. The idea that they can serve multiple people on a multitude of levels and somehow find the resources to support or build an actual Church without assistance and support of all kinds is illogical. Further, its tremendously selfish of us, as congregants and Initiates, not to take into consideration that they should have time to get well themselves if they are ill or to grieve if they lose a loved one close to them, but should instead, be at our beck and call to answer our needs instead.
I have seen
people coming to us perfectly willing to pay for books written by us,
take classes for which there are charges involved, go to events we
suggest they attend that can cost them sometimes hundreds of dollars
to go to when all the financial requirements are said and done. But
to spend the equivalent of their monthly junk food or coffee habit
bill – say $20/month or a bit more, when they can – on the
general support of the Church's needs itself is seen as “too
Christian” to be supported or somehow insulting to The Craft
itself. This kind of thinking is utterly uneducated to my mind.
If you are
willing to spend $20/month on foods or habits that harm your body,
why would you not be willing to spend that same money on the very
body and people that give you balance, comfort and guidance in every
facet of your life – not simply the spiritual or magickal ones?
Where do you think the rent/mortgage on a Church building or Circle
space, the bills for such like electricity and water and the supplies
provided for rituals are supposed to come from? It isn't like we're
demanding a 10% tithe of your total income here. We are simply
asking that there be some form of reliable support coming in so that
we can afford to remain on call doing the full time (and more) job of
supporting our congregants, students and initiates without also
having to hold down one or two other full time jobs (which often
impinge on our ability to do full time Clergy support due to
attendance regulations of that outside job) to pay those
Church-related expenses. Would we truly prefer, as congregants, to
have to try to put something like a birth or death in our family on
hold until our Clergy gets off work to serve us? No, of course not.
So, the next time
you think that your problems in paying the bills on your life and
yours alone, think about your Clergy, please. Understand that they
do all the things we struggle with in life for themselves AND every
single person in their congregation and the overall community which
they serve. Please truly see the gift that our Clergy and Elders are
to your Community, not just as Wiccans or Pagans but as people and
perhaps stretch yourself a bit to give a little something extra back
for those gifts. Whether it be a dish you've cooked for their
freezer, picking up an extra set of quarter or altar candles when
you're getting some for yourself that you then donate to the Church
or Circle, handing them an extra $10 or $20 on payday – or even
just paying monthly church dues on time – remember your gifts are
what make the entire Church and Circle stronger and help it to
function reliably every single day. As Clergy, we are more than
happy to serve. It would be a beautiful bit of personal growth in
our community to see those that consider regular monetary support as
“too Christian” would gain the understanding that it isn't
“Christian” to support your Clergy and your Church – it is
correct balance for the needs of the Pastoral staff and the group as
a whole. It is human.
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ReplyDeleteI am so pleased you enjoyed it and am glad to hear of your sharing it! :) Thank you! I hope you'll find other posts as useful. Blessed Be!