Friday, July 20, 2012

When new Friends come to town...

It has come to my attention that young, untrained shamans are shamans none the less.  Even the untrained can occasionally facilitate some of the finest learning experiences in life, if we're only open to that learning.  I think every person that has had gifts most or all of their lives knows the feeling of being young, strong in your abilities - sometimes to the point of being overwhelmed by them - and the Gods simply speak through these vessels at full volume for the soul with the ears to hear. 

Not that I hadn't realized it before, but the potency of it settled onto my shoulders in full about an hour ago on the gossemer wings of a golden, flower-faced barn owl.  This isn't even the first time... but try six separate "moments" with this messanger...and the help of a voice with echos of teachers of my past in her harmonies ... and voila' - I am given a new Friend.  Far more than a friend, but an answer to prayers so many I won't bother to reiterate them.  I love cosmic birthday presents!!! They ROCK!!! :D  Thanks, Mother/Father/All!!! 

It began with a walk about three months ago.  It was a full moon and an old friend of mine.  Both of us being night time people, we'd taken up the habit of taking a 1-3 mile hike on the various trails near our home town for exercise and a chance to get out in nature.  Most of them lead along the river and have many beautiful vistas to keep the walk interesting.  We had had a very deep conversation and his spiritual experiences up to that point in his life and we both agreed he would never be Wiccan.  For him, that's best both to his personal beliefs and his spiritual calling.  He had studied some, not very successfully because the path and the people and the timing weren't right.  But, he needed to express it.  So I listened.  After reassuring him that his calling was *his* to Know and his path was his to walk and that I still cared about him and his well-being, we were walking back to the car when there was a single, sharp, absolutely ringingly clear owl's cry off my right shoulder.  It was so pointed "at me" that I stopped dead in my tracks and said, "Yes, Sir?!"  A rustle of wings on wind was my only answer, but it stuck with me in dreams for weeks.

Next, Wite Rayvn Metaphysical Church of the Ozarks - ATC rolls into my life like a great big beautiful steam roller of learning, community, family and overlapping paths and bring Welsh traditions back around (for the multiple time in my life - can you say "theme"?) ... and I start reading the Mabinogi again for the many-eth time with whole new eyes, in which Blodeuwydd is a major theme, as are herbs (a love), magick, mythos, misunderstanding, rumors and everything all attached in significant places for my growth at the time they arrived.  They, in turn, got me started with Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary where the first major job I'm given is to get the Library filled and running and its symbol, this lovely library... is an Owl.  

So being a student at the school as well as the Librarian and helping with open discussions, etc., as I said at first, I'm also a student.  I wear a first year uniform and will be climbing the entire ladder of their training system.  To that end, I am in the midst of a potent class on medicine animals, so I admit being recently "attuned" in more than one manner.  I have been in Reiki training for some months now, have received several layers of blessings and attunements, along with the messages I've read in nature around me all my life.  Tuned up and blasted along my nerves with that stamp of Cosmic TRUTH that won't be denied, I can only go along for the ride and ...soar.... stunned, renewed, gratitfied and grateful beyond belief... relieved even, when others might dread what I've seen and felt, because the one that brought the message has "rumors" about them in the spiritual realms of this plane that leave humans to doubt what she really means.

In every rebirth, there is the waiting, a void-of-course time when guidance seems so far away.  It is these moments just prior to the rush of change so quick we can barely comprehend it all that can be maddening.  There is the grief, the pain of delivery and the ungodly stretch and newly trapped feeling flesh can give to a spirit as it finds itself moving that spirit into a new form... and then there is rejoicing, loving and an embrace you simply can't deny the comfort of all around you!  Its the same one that has always been there, your Mother, The Mother and your Father, The Father... and your Family - your larger spiritual Family... those holy being that nourish you, take pride in you even when you struggle, protect you with all Their collective and  fierce might and shows you how to grow with every breathe you all share.  It is the instant eyes meet eyes and souls entwine in ultimate honor, pride and mutual ecstatic, shocking zen of it all... when all is truly right with the world and one's vision snaps into the clarity of Vision from Above the human experience... and suddenly, I can breathe! 

Further, and with joy, I can open my heart to its fullest, even to those that call themselves my enemies... and simply love what they are, who they are, their whole experience - even when I can't "get with their program" because my path is simply so much different than theirs it would like trying to play an set of bagpipes in the middle of their french ballet.  To them I can only hope that when the proper wings settle around their shoulders, they will have the same peaceful joy my soul hums with tonight.  To know, one day, that all the actions - even the misunderstood ones - were all worth it... because a bird - or something - told them so!  The phrase "a little birdie told me..." has taken on a whole new meaning.

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